And when it rose – Part 2

The beginning of Ari – Eitz Chayim, the Tree of Life – In itself, in the view of a way Torah of Exile has been perceived…One can not know the Creator.
The way Ari and Zohar speak is suggesting that we CAN know Him, His thought. This is how it starts – behold, Know.
This is a very intimate meeting point. The way opposite parts can unify to create a third being, a new reality. The reality which suggests that separation is not completeness. The separation from the Creator is not the will. But, there needs to be a simile of wills – from the Creator and create to create a meeting point

The first wish is to meet.
When we study what is the meaning of Creator – it is the Keter, Ein Sof, Blessed be He. Blessing has to do with an additional light, on top of what there is which is just existence.

On Saturday there is a meeting point, of 2 oppositions: Blessing & Sanctifying. Sanctifying is putting a part something. Blessing is connecting – to do with dedication to something to the exclusion of something else. Blessing is the opposite – including everything. So, on Sabbath, which is the painting of the thought of creation, pre-creation state, is to do with joining those two: the blessing and the sanctification.

Ari starts is with ‘Know’ – our duty is to serve while knowing. All the thoughts and the will creation is expressing.
It starts with demolishing with the first rule of mysticism…which is the infallible. It is everything that we can speak about – because we can see that as we start with surrender, in the name of, by its name – Shemo – which is will.

Knowing is a communion of opposites that our duty, if we take it upon ourselves, is to equalize ourselves to the will of the Creator. One of the qualities is bestowal. Therefore, we need to find in our opposite nature – which is the will to receive – a way to use what we receive to bestow.

The condition is the intention: the screen. This allows us to start forming a way, a vessel, that can find itself in simile to the quality of bestowal of the Creator.

“Before the emanations were emanated, the supreme light filled all there is”

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