EMOR – Weekly Torah Portion

The portion of Emor – Say to the Priest
What is given to us is the way we can enter the temple of time. It is dealing with the calling, timing, that is happen on the cycle of the year. Each year means the light that is standing near by to fulfill and bestow itself – to ready vessels. Each year we have the cycle of this invitation from holiness, and we can see why its a portion that is complete – ‘Holy You Shall Be”. What is there to help us become holy? The holidays.
Its a calling from above awaking the need for it. Awaken in our self the gap that can prepare us and make us worthy of that interview with the Higher. It is called the time of meeting – being able to bare witness to the presence and quality of holidays.

The route of all holidays is the Shabbat. A living memory. In each cycle of 7, natural law of nature, what is present – that which humans do not have a part in it. As we see in Genesis, its the 6th day – including the creation of Adam consciousness – then everything is being given to Adam, and the 7th day is something in the plan from the stand point of the Creator. Everything on the 7th day is done, ready for humans to complete

Its a live memory, and living testimony to the plan and quality of creation which is call Shabbat
