Miketz – weekly Torah Portion

The portion of Miketz takes place in Hanukah. Both the holiday and the weekly portion are moving in parallel lines. During this time is there is the invitation, the question: “what is the actual connection between spirituality and existence/corporeality”. How are those two opposites states meet? It is a question of Hanukah

The Talmud is asking what is Hanukah. Why is this question?
Because there is a problem of what we are celebrating. If we are celebrating the small believers that overcome the great empire of that time – the Greeks – not only through the language of power…than this rebellion sustained itself for only 70 years. So, in the big perspective it looks like a failure. 70 years is not a long time.

So, what are we actually celebrating in Hanukah, if it’s not the movement in history. When examining the book of Maccabi – the “external book” – the only one that records that period in history, we can read through that historic period. So, what was so impressive for celebration?

The miracle was that although there was a heavy oppression on consciousness, they were able to find one canister – ONE – pure olive oil that was untouched. If we translate this …we are able to find the belief in the ONE.

They could find above and beyond the peek of philosophy the belief. And they could unite it as a belief in the ONE

Listen the the full class:
