About Baal Hasulam
Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (1884 – 1954), called “Baal Hasulam” – the Owner of the ladder, named after the ladder to the book of Zohar. Baal Hasulam was born in Warsaw in 1884 and was attracted […]
<< Learn more01.09.2019
Six Hundred Thousand Spirits
Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) It is said that there are six hundred thousand spirits, and each spirit divides into several sparks. We need to understand how it is possible for the spiritual to […]
<< Learn more25.07.2019
Finding a new relationship between Female and Male
In celebration of International Women’s day 2019: As women come more in front in society we need to look at the Feminine in spirituality. Kabbalah says that the relationship between the Creator and Createe is […]
<< Learn more29.03.2019
Godliness is a question
To reveal Godliness, the Kabbalah shows, you initially have to identify something Godly in yourself. Yet you cannot discover anything Godly in yourself unless you see it in the face of another. All spirits are […]
<< Learn more29.03.2019
Leading Tikun Together – Headstart Funding Project
This is a call for assistance and sharing through the realization of ‘Tikun Olam’. An invitation to support the path of Kabblah studies, its assimilation as a way of life, and spreading to any person, […]
<< Learn more29.03.2019
Explore the eternal path
If you ask yourself what is the meaning of life… If you seek to find what is the purpose of life… We would like to invite you to join us in a unique and precious […]
<< Learn more29.03.2019